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About the Organizer

Cindy Scott - Photo small
Cindy Scott

You could say that Cindy Scott began collecting art as a youngster growing up in the village of Summerville on New Brunswick’s Kingston Peninsula. Cindy loved to play on her grandmother’s beach where she would hunt for glazed, odd-shaped pottery shards among the beach rocks. The great Canadian art potters Kjeld and Erica Deichmann lived next door to Cindy’s grandmother and ran their Dykelands pottery studio there. The broken bits from the Deichmann’s seconds and misfires would wash up on the beach and become prized objects for a kid with a sharp eye.

Sometimes Cindy would get to tag along while her mother went down the road to visit her friend Rosamund Campbell. Rosamund and her husband Ted were major figures in the Saint John art community that also included Miller Brittain, Jack Humphrey, Fred Ross and Pegi Nicol MacLeod. But the big attraction at the Campbells for Cindy was a pair of life-size rocking horses (a horse and a camel to be precise) that Cindy would be allowed to ride on.

These early introductions gave Cindy a life-long appreciation of art and artists. She has actively collected and proudly displayed works from many Eastern-Canadian artists for many years. With a background in communications and a successful career in the Ottawa technology industry, Cindy now operates an event management business. She has combined her talent for promotion and her passion for art by organizing a number of small art shows in New Brunswick and Ontario. You can find information on one of her typical shows

The Summerville Art Festival was a recent initiative of Cindy's. The festival featured the work of over 20 New Brunswick artists in pop-up galleries in homes and gardens - and on the beaches – of Summerville, NB. Cindy, her family, friends and neighbours welcomed thousands to Summerville to discover art treasures on the beautiful Kingston Peninsula.