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The Artists of Isolation 2020

Purchasing Instructions

When you find a piece of art you would like to purchase:

  • Send an email to and include the artist name and the name of the artwork
  • Cindy will connect potential purchasers directly with the artist, in the order requests are received (the first person in line who commits to the purchase will get the artwork)
  • Mistakes can happen, so be sure to confirm details such as size, price, etc.
  • The artist will provide a shipping cost (the posted prices include HST but not shipping)
  • Full payment will be sent to the artist (e-transfers are the only form of payment accepted)
  • Once payment has been received, the artist will package and ship the artwork
  • The artist will then forward 25% of the pre-shipping purchase price to Cindy
  • At the end of the sale, Cindy will forward funds to the designated food banks