Stacks Image 578

Liane Thibodeau - Photo
Liane Thibodeau
Liane's photo courtesy of Beverly Stears

Artist Bio
Liane is a self-taught photographer. She has participated in a number of group shows, including at Hooper Studios in Hampton, New Brunswick and the Summerville Arts Festival on the Kingston Peninsula. Most recently her work was displayed at the Saint John Airport from September to December 2019. Her photographs are found in private collections across Canada, as well as in Australia.

Artist Statement
The beauty of Sea Dog Cove, where she lives, is a constant source of inspiration for Liane, and is her favourite place to photograph. She loves taking her camera with her for early morning and evening paddles in her kayak when the water is still ... a time for reflecting ... on the natural beauty of our world, and the serenity and peace it brings.

She especially loves her encounters with wildlife while on these paddles – attempting to capture the spirits of the eagles, sea dogs, cormorants, loons, and ducks who make regular appearances. She never knows what she will see when she sets out, which is what makes the cove magical for her.

During the summer months, Liane takes floral arrangements created with flowers from her garden out with her on her morning paddles, placing them in various rocky outcroppings she finds along the cove. She enjoys the challenge of finding interesting locations and balancing the flower vases on the rocks, without tipping the vase of flowers or the kayak, or dropping her camera in the water. She finds the contrast between the stark rock, the vivid green seaweed and the colourful flowers appeals to her love of colour.

Liane Thibodeau - Sea Goddess small
Sea Goddess
Print on Metal
8" x 10"
Liane Thibodeau - Driftwood Flowers small
Driftwood Flowers
Archival Print (1 of 2)
21" x 27"
$275 Framed
Liane Thibodeau - Rock Flower Reflections small
Rock Flower Reflections
Archival Print (1 of 2)
17" x 19"
$175 Framed
Liane Thibodeau - Metal Rock Flowers small
Metal Rock Flowers
Print on Metal
10" x 10"
Liane Thibodeau - The Simplicity of Irises (1 of 1) small
The Simplicity of Irises
Archival Print (1 of 2)
21" x 27"
$275 framed, matted
Liane Thibodeau -Clear Vase Flower Reflections (1 of 1) small
Clear Vase Flower Reflections
Print on Metal (1 of 2)
10 x 10"
Introducing Me
Misty Morning Lighthouse