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Joejene Santos

Artist Bio
"Art is a discovery of who we are and the greatest that we will be."

Self-discovery as the one true purpose and joy in life, has always been the subject of Joejene's works. Discovering the beauty and wonder of the existence of life and nature fuels his creative process.

Joejene’s artistic practice springs from consciously engaging in and feeling the moment of creation with a sense of joy, wonder and curiosity like a child discovering life.

His medium acrylic on canvas translates these artistic ideas into abstract paintings with his unique style and skills at rendering rich colors, textures and depth.

Born in the Philippines where he earned a degree in Fine Arts and practiced his artistic passion professionally, Joejene is now making his mark as an abstract artist in the Ottawa art scene. He has held numerous exhibitions in Ottawa and Toronto since moving to Canada with his family in 2006.

His work is currently represented by the Orange Art Gallery in Ottawa and held in private collections in The Philippines, United States, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and Canada.

Artist Statement
Painting intuitively and trusting my inner self in complete
surrender are the core of my creative process. To me, knowing the beauty of who we are within is a liberating truth… it keeps me to be in constant awe of the world around us, to be one with all its creation, to soak in the moment and to fully and truly live the gift of life.

It is about allowing the process and the moment to happen, to take place and surrender yourself in your purest, most authentic self, without worry or fear... To just trust in your intuition until the process takes its own shape and reveal itself… and the result is like LIFE in visual form, in its truest physical presence.

05_JoejeneSantos_Love Life_24 x 24 inches
Love Life
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Pasted Graphic
Life Blooms
Acrylic on Canvas
48" x 48"
Her Red Lips
Acrylic on Canvas
36" x 36"
Joejene Santos - Tears-20 x20 small
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Joejene Santos - Pink Heart_12 x12 small
Pink Heart
Acrylic on Canvas
12" x 12"
Joejene Santos - Refresh 006_20 x 16 small
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 16"
Introducing Me