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Sheila Howell - Photot
Sheila Howell

Artist Bio
Sheila has participated in several group shows including the RNS Show and Sale, Kings County Studio Tour, St. Paul’s Annual Show and Sale, Harvesting The Arts, and The Summerville Art Festival. Her solo shows include those at Imperial Theatre, Millennium Gallery, and Dunhams Run Winery.

Sheila was honoured to be asked to be featured artist at Kingsbrae Gardens, Saint Andrews for the month of June, 2020.

Sheila was chosen to be part of a two-artist show at The Charlotte Street Art Centre, Fredericton, N.B. in 2005.

Many galleries have shown her work as well, including LaBoheme Gallery, The New Artisan Studio, the Jailhouse Gallery and The Fundy Gallery of Art.

Sheila has been mentioned in numerous print articles. She was a feature person and on the cover of Neighbours of Rothesay Road. Most recently she was on the cover of The Salon Magazine and was the subject of an in-depth interview in this New Brunswick wide publication.

Sheila is currently representing herself through her studio/gallery at 146 Germain St., Saint John, N.B. and her website;

Artist Statement
I love to paint both what I see and what I feel.

My more abstract works are painted in an intuitive manner, sometimes leaning toward surrealism, but oftentimes they are purely a play between colour and composition.

I love walking in natural areas as well as in the uptown where my studio is located. I am intrigued by the way light can define the mood of what I am viewing. I also tend to notice things others may miss. Painting allows me to share my visions of the world around me. Night scenes have become the inspiration for many recent works. I love the way subjects tend to recede into the background here and there, allowing me, as the artist, to capture an aura of mystery.

I have an unquenchable thirst to better my art and grow as an artist. This leads me to push myself in new directions and to explore different media and to create new ways of using mediums I am already familiar with.

I feel very blessed to be able to represent myself and to be able to meet the people who view and purchase my works. Being in isolation has made it more difficult to interact with folks but it is also forcing me to be more creative in how I market and reach people. Hopefully the lessons I am learning will make me a better and more productive artist.

Sheila Howell. - Peonies Acrylic 14 x 14 $250
Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 14"
Sheila Howell. - Tide's In (New River Beach) Acrylic 11 x 20 $275
Tide's In (New River Beach)
Acrylic on Canvas
11" x 20"